Motorcycles are descended from the "safety" bicycle, bicycles with front and rear wheels of the same size, with a pedal crank mechanism to drive the rear wheel. Those bicycles, in turn were descended from high-wheel bicycles. The high-wheelers were descended from an early type of push-bike, without pedals, propelled by the rider's feet pushing against the ground. These appeared around 1800, used iron-banded wagon wheels, and were called "bone-crushers," both for their jarring ride, and their tendency to toss their riders.
Gottlieb Daimler (who later teamed up with Karl Benz to form the Daimler-Benz Corporation) is credited with building the first motorcycle in 1885, one wheel in the front and one in the back, although it had a smaller spring-loaded outrigger wheel on each side. It was constructed mostly of wood, with the wheels being of the iron-banded wooden-spoked wagon-type, definitely a "bone-crusher" chassis.
It was indeed powered by a single-cylinder Otto-cycle engine, and may have had a spray-type carburetor.
Information about engine…..
- 1. a single horizontal cylinder of 264cc(58×100mm, 2.28×3.94 in)
- 2. air cooling
- 3. large cast iron flywheel
- 4. hot tube ignition system (patent 28022)
- 5. cam operated exhaust valves, allowing high speed operation
- 6. 0.5hp (370W)
- 7. 600 rpm running speed, beating previous engines which typically ran at about 120 to 180 rpm
- 8. weight around 50 kg (110 pd)
- 9. height 76 cm (30 in)
Thus, his invention of motorcycle is the basis for today’s bikes……. The one and the only way of transportation for the middle class families are these bikes….. They surely and really will be thankful to Gottlieb Daimler. We should remember these type of inventors through opportunities like this(blog posts)…….
Great info...The first bicycle look odd for me...It must be heavy, isn't it...
June 12, 2008 at 11:59 PM
ya sure put a link to my site n let me know, i wil do the same
June 15, 2008 at 7:32 PM
Thanks for good comment on my site.If you are willing to share my link, I will share yours. Your site is good , particularly looking to your age.
June 16, 2008 at 9:15 AM
I have added you too
June 16, 2008 at 10:01 AM
Interesting ideea of making the blog, containg all the "first" inventions. Congratulations for the articles you post at your age, and i hope to hear from you. i posted a link on my site, i hope you will post too. check out my blog to see your link. I will comment again and visit your site regularely, i hope you will do the same. I am waiting for a new comment from you.
June 16, 2008 at 5:44 PM
Look on the right side on my blog, at the topic "alte linkuri" your link is under the name of : "The first one..." I will enter and visit your site daily. How about an article exchange ?
June 17, 2008 at 6:39 PM
hey can u change the link to the blog named targu mures , the link is "http://hategan2005.blogspot.com" , because you posted your link to the site with the url hategan2008, and that is not the site that i want to promote first. waiting for the change.
P.S. My main blog is hategan2005.blogspot.com
June 17, 2008 at 6:42 PM
I have added ur link.
But dont u think the color of my link in ur blog is too light?
pls try n make it white
June 18, 2008 at 5:01 AM