The First Arifical heart...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Hi friends, our today topic is going to be about The first Artifical heart invented by Dr. Robert Jarvik. Artificial hearts date back to the mid-1950s when Dr. Paul Winchell first patented an artificial heart.
In 1982, Seattle dentist Dr. Barney Clark was the first person implanted with the Jarvik-7, an artificial heart intended to last a lifetime. William DeVries an American surgeon performed the surgery. The Jarvik-7 artificial heart was designed by Robert Jarvik. The patient survived 112 days. "It has been hard, but the heart itself has pumped right along." - Barney Clark

Creator of the Jarvik-7, is now working on the Jarvik 2000, a thumb-sized heart pump.
The race for the artificial heart. At the end of 1998 American heart specialist Michael DeBakey performed a world-first in heart surgery with a totally new device. If this electric heart proves successful, it could be a permanent alternative to a heart transplant.
Thus we should say thanks to Dr. Robert Jarvik for extending the human life.


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